Great Outdoor Gear and Home Improvement
How it works
Complete the online form and submit. You’ll be entered to win up to $953.71 in awesome outdoor gear. As an added bonus, you’ll also be entered to win windows, a bay window, or an entry door in the Great American $36,000 Giveaway courtesy of Winchester Industries, manufacturer of our exclusive line of Bristol Windows and Doors (see details here) as well as certificates to use towards your home improvement projects should you decide to hire our company.
Winners will be selected from all eligible entries in a random drawing. Smaller prize drawings are conducted throughout the year. The Great American $36,000 Giveaway drawing as well as the Great Outdoor Gear drawing is conducted annually in July.
Prizes will be awarded and winners will be notified by phone. Limit one prize per homeowner. Prizes are non-transferable and substitutions not permitted.
Grand Prize
Outdoor Adventure Package Valued at $698.16
Featuring a Yeti Tundra Cooler, camp chair, Apeman Waterproof Action Camera, Cast Iron Double Camp Cooker, Misting Water Bottle, Outdoor Camp Cooking Station, and a $50 Sportsman’s Warehouse gift card
1st Place
River Tubing Package Valued at $205.55
Featuring 4 River Tubes, Inflatable 24 can floating cooler, and 2 waterproof floating phone cases with audio cord
2nd Place
$50 Gift Card to winner’s choice of outdoor store
REI, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Dick’s Sporting Goods, or
3rd Place
Certificate valid for free labor on any window or door installation or 50% off labor on other remodeling projects purchased (not under obligation to use certificate).
Other prizes drawn throughout the year:
Gift Baskets
Event Tickets
Other Miscellaneous Prizes
Sweepstakes Rules And Regulations:
⦁ Must be 18 to win.
⦁ Must be a valid resident of the United States.
⦁ Cannot be an employee or employee’s family member Integrity Construction and Windows, Inc.
⦁ No purchase necessary.
⦁ Sweepstakes prizes are drawn annually. Sweepstakes period is April 1st through March 31st.
⦁ These prizes are subject to availability. In the case that a product is not available at the time of the drawing beyond the control of the sponsor or, a comparable prize at the same retail value will be substituted.
⦁ Prizes are non-transferable. Sweepstakes winners will be contacted by phone only and will have 90 days to claim their prize. If prize is not claimed within 90 days after prize notification, prize package will be forfeited.
⦁ List of sweepstakes winners and sweepstakes results can be requested by emailing us at
⦁ Our sweepstakes department will call you to validate your entry and confirm your shipping address should you win a prize package. Validation by phone with one of our prize department specialists is required and during that brief phone call they will tell you about the products and services they offer. No purchase is necessary but we ask that you do listen to our brief message so that we can keep giving away great gear! Once you validate the entry, you can opt out of sponsor phone calls at any time by emailing
⦁ Integrity Construction and Windows, Inc. will never sell your data. All data is stored in a secure location.